4T Center - Vietnam Youth Education Support Center


Contact Information

4-H Program mission statement:
Self introduction:

We enjoy the happiness of helping youth reaching their full potential.

4-H Motto:

For Vietnamese youth comprehensive development

4-H Pledge:

Trí sáng suốt cần chăm học hỏi

Tâm nhân ái cần biết sẻ chia

Thân khỏe mạnh cần luôn rèn luyện

Tay khéo léo chú trọng thực hành

Number of 4-H Clubs:
Number of 4-H Members:
Number of 4-H Volunteers:
Number of 4-H Staff:
Date Established:
Top Member Projects:

- Day camp: Camp in 1 day for children to discover the nature.

- Summer camp: Camp in 1 week for children age 8-18 enjoying the independent life.

- 4T clubs: Place for kid members meeting once a week at the weekend, doing projects and have fun together.

- Volunteers leadership camp: This is where volunteers learn and grow up. When passing this camp, volunteers will be able to take care of children in day camp/summer camp.