4-H Liberia
Contact Information
4-H Program mission statement:
4-H Liberia empowers young people to become self-sufficient citizens by developing their potential in premiere leadership, agricultural sustainability and essential life skills.
To Make the Best Better
I pledge
My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service,
My Health to better living,
For my club, my community, and my world.
Enterprise School Gardens
4-H Liberia is working with 72 Schools to establish 4-H Clubs and Enterprise School Gardens. The United States African Development Foundation sponsors this project. The project covered six out of the fifteen counties in Liberia.
As the results of this project, the following achievements have been made:
a. Students have learned new agriculture skills and they are transferring their new skills to their parents
b. There are currently 68 enterprise school gardens established and students are using proceeds from the gardens to extend the gardens and other campus related projects
c. Students are able to set their club and personal goal for the year and work to achieve it.
National Agriculture Curriculum
4-H Liberia is also working with the Government of Liberia and other partners to develop a National Agriculture Elementary Curriculum for Primary Schools in Liberia. This program first started in 2012 during the partnership of 4-H Liberia and the United Nations World Food Program. The program was disrupted because of the Ebola Crises in 2014. It was resumed in 2016 and presently, the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Education is working on plans to pilot test the curriculum in the next school year that will commence in September 2017.
Gender Education Programs
4-H Liberia has introduced a Gender Education Program (GEP) in schools. The reason this program was introduced was that students had the mindset that there were specific job for boys and another for girls. Few months after this program was launched, the following achievements have been made:
a. Boys are now seeing girls as partners in development
b. Girls are occupying leadership positions in the 4-H Clubs
c. The mindset that there are special jobs for male and another for female is fading.