Latvijas Mazpulki (Latvian 4-H)
Contact Information
4-H Program mission statement:
- To promote the full personal development, helping children and young people to prepare for an independent working life and integration in a rapidly changing society;
- Involve children and young people to create a harmonious, and balanced environment and shaping sustainable development in their village, parish, town, and country;
- Promote youth initiatives and participation in decision-making and public life.
Augsim Latvijai!
Kā uzticīgs mazpulka dalībnieks svinīgi apsolos klausīt Dievam un vecākiem, ziedot savu prātu skaidrākām domām, savu sirdi taisnībai un kvēlākai sajūsmai, savas rokas cēlākam darbam un savu veselību labākai dzīvei mana mazpulka, manas dzimtās zemes - Latvijas tautas labā.
Gardening - 4-H'ers grow different vegetables, plants and flowers. This is the most common kind of projects students do.
Vegetable business projects - each year a different vegetable is announced. 4-H'ers have a chance to grow vegetables in their gardens and in the autumn sell the harvest to the shops.
Rabbit-breeding - since 2013 4Hers are growing rabbits at their farms and atending contests in national and international levels.
Group projects - students make teams in order to improve the environment , organize events, participate in vegetable business projects or study the local lore/history.
Projects on studies of local lore/history - 4Hers study history of the local village, parish, people, folklore etc.
Plant and seed research - in coopertion with horticultural research centres students have a change to do researches on how the soil and the way of cultivation affects the plant and its growth.
Phenological observations - every year 4-H'ers encouraged to send detailed information about their phenological observations ( noticing different phases of plants like unfolding the bud, blossoming, seeding and others).